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Protecting your teeth with mouthguards in Leicester

At Glen Dental in Leicester we offer mouthguards as we see many people that may be unaware that they may be grinding/clenching their teeth during the day or grinding/clenching them at night whilst they are asleep. If you do, it can cause many issues including disturbing your partner whilst they sleep, destroying your teeth and causing teeth and fillings to crack and causing headaches.

If you are involved in any contact sport we strongly believe that you may need to wear mouthguards to protect your teeth from damage or from being knocked out. Our Leicester dentists can advice on whether you need to wear a custom made mouthguards to protect your teeth.


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    Teeth Grinding/Clenching Prevention

    What causes teeth grinding?

    Many studies have shown that in almost 65% of people that grind their teeth at night the most common cause is stress and anxiety and treating the underlying stress or anxiety is crucial.

    When a person is feeling stressed or anxious it creates a tendency to make you clench your teeth which results in unnecessary tooth grinding.

    Another common cause of teeth grinding is due to various sleep disorders. There are a wide array of sleep disorders and people that suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea are more likely to grind their teeth, as are people that snore.

    Your lifestyle habits can also influence whether you grind your teeth or not. If you smoke, use recreational drugs or drink considerable amount of alcohol you increase your likelihood for grinding your teeth at night.

    Jaw problems from teeth grinding

    The muscles around your face, head and neck are all interconnected. This means that if you grind your teeth not only will it affect your teeth themselves but it could also affect these interconnected muscles. This means that teeth grinding can sometimes result in head and neck pain and specifically headaches.

    As well as creating jaw problems teeth grinding also severely physically affects your teeth. Over a longer period of time your teeth can become so worn down that they become sensitive during normal eating. As the teeth progressively wear down it also affects the way your jaw works which can lead to further headaches and jaw joint problems.

    Treatment for teeth grinding

    The key to successfully treatment is to identify the cause of your teeth grinding habit which then makes it easier to find a solution. If the underlying cause is due to stress it would be worth looking at stress reduction techniques including relaxation and meditation, mindfulness or even hypnosis. By the same token, if you smoke, drink excessive amounts of alcohol or are taking recreational drugs then looking at reducing or stopping your intake of these substances will also help your teeth grinding. We can offer advice on local smoking cessation services.

    Once you have done everything you can to tackle these causes of teeth grinding we can look at some dental alternatives.

    Dental treatments for grinding

    Broadly speaking, the way these dental treatments work is by preventing your teeth meeting. If we can do this it has the effect of reprogramming your jaw joint muscles as they are able to relax. Whenever your teeth meet your muscles have a memory ensuring that your teeth always meet in the same place, the problem is that as your teeth wear down this memory is different to the original place where your jaw used to meet when you were younger. This means that your muscles can be under constant tension forcing your teeth into their new worn down position.

    By wearing a night guard and preventing your teeth from meeting your muscles have a chance to relax. What this means is that when you wake up in the morning you might find that your teeth don’t meet together like they would normally, this is because your muscles have been reprogrammed and have relaxed fully. If you needed to have your teeth treated with dental crowns or bridges then this is the ideal position in which these new dental bridges or crowns would be made.

    This teeth grinding night guard works because your jaw is not a simple hinge, it is a complex arrangement of bones and muscles, which has a considerable amount of flexibility in the way it works.

    The effects of these various teeth grinding guards is to reduce headaches, reduce jaw joint problems and prevent your teeth wearing down further.

    What if teeth grinding has worn your teeth right down?

    Unfortunately, if your teeth have been completely worn down by excessive, teeth grinding over a number of years then it is only restorative dentistry that can provide the solution. In some instances it is possible to make a removable denture which fits over the top of your existing teeth. However, many patients disliked this due to the fact that they can take them out.

    Dental crowns and bridges are therefore often the best option, we would normally use some form of dental appliance to relax your jaw muscles and deprogrammed them first. Once that has been done we can then proceed to take records of the ideal relationship between your top and bottom jaw. These records can then be used to ensure that any new crowns and/or bridges are made to this correct bite relationship. This means that not only are your teeth restored to their former glory, but your jaw is reprogrammed back to how it was originally, thereby reducing any headaches and jaw joint problems.

    Life Benefits

    • Alleviate facial and TMJ pain, including a reduction in headaches
    • Prevention of extensive tooth wear
    • Enhanced quality of sleep
    Mouthguards | Dental Praicte & Dentist Leicestershire
    Mouthguards | Dental Praicte & Dentist Leicestershire


    • Who should wear a sports mouthguard?

      Anyone who takes part in a sport that carries a risk of contact to the face should wear a mouthguard. This includes sports such as:

      • Football
      • Boxing
      • Rugby
      • Hockey
      • Horse riding
      • Netball
      • Skateboarding
      • Ice skating
    • Why do I need to wear mouthguards?

      Damage to the teeth in a sporting accident means that they can be lost altogether. Adult (permanent) teeth are not going to grow back and so protecting them is a priority.

      Mouthguards can also protect you from much more than just a knocked out tooth. A good mouthguard can minimise the impact of collisions and so will also help to protect your jaw and other areas of your face.

    • Can I buy a mouthguard from a sports shop?

      Sports shops do sell types of mouthguard which you fit yourself. However in our opinion these don’t fit very well and do not provide the best protection to the teeth.

  • What sort of mouthguard will I get from my dentist?

    The most effective type of mouthguard is one that is custom made especially for you out of high quality materials by our qualified dentists at Glen Dental.

  • What is involved?

    Your dentist will take an impression of your mouth. A dental technician will then make a custom fitting mouthguard to ensure that it fits correctly to your mouth, is comfortable, and will provide maximum protection to the teeth.

  • How long will my mouthguard last?

    Provided that you look after your mouthguard, it should look after you. If your mouthguard stops fitting well, becomes uncomfortable, or starts to fall out instead of fitting snugly, make an appointment to see your dentist for it to be checked.

    An adult’s mouthguard used regularly, typically last 2-3 years. However, when young people are growing and the mouth is changing because of new teeth coming through, a new mouthguard may be needed every year.