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Gummy Smiles

Smile confidently with Botulinum toxin gummy smile treatment at Glen Dental

Gummy smiles occur when some people smile and their upper lip raises too far up above their upper teeth, exposing their gums resulting in an unattractive smile. Dr. Lina Kotecha uses anti-wrinkle injections, commonly called Botox to reduce the activity of the muscle that elevates the upper lip, resulting in less gum being visible on smiling. Note, Botox is a prescription only medicine (POM) and therefore can only be prescribed after a detailed facial aesthetic consultation by a qualified practitioner.

Benefits of Botulinum toxin gummy smile treatment

  • Your treatment will be performed by Dr. Lina Kotecha who has had extensive training in administering anti-wrinkle injections
  • Non-invasive, with no downtime
  • It is a temporary solution and its effects are fully reversible
  • Botox injections offer a safe and non-surgical way to correct a gummy smile

Treatment Overview*

  • Procedure Time:

    10 minutes

  • Back To Work:


  • Anaesthetic:

    No anaesthetic necessary

  • Full Recovery:

    24 hours

  • Sensitivity Period:

    1-2 hours

  • Duration Of Results:

    3-4 months

  • Risks & Complications:


*individual results and reactions may vary


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Faces By Lina at Glen Dental

Gummy smiles occur when some people smile and their upper lip raises too far up above their upper teeth, exposing their gums resulting in an unattractive smile. This can happen due to several causes. One of the causes is the muscle that controls the movement of your upper lip could be hyperactive, causing the upper lip to rise up higher than normal. When this happens, more of your gum tissue is exposed when you smile.

Occasionally, the gummy smile is also aggravated by a thin upper lip that further contributes to the problem by exposing the upper gum even more. Fortunately, gummy smiles can be simply and effectively correct by Botulinum toxin. The Botulinum toxin works by reducing the activity of the muscle that elevates the upper lip.

Free facial analysis consultations at Glen Dental

We offer a free consultation for facial aesthetics, so, if you are considering this treatment with Dr. Lina Kotecha and would like to find out more, please call us on 0116 2593386 today to book.

Gummy Smiles | Glen Dental Practice Leicester & Leicestershire


Gummy Smiles | Glen Dental Practice Leicester & Leicestershire


Gummy Smiles | Glen Dental Practice Leicester & Leicestershire


Gummy Smiles | Glen Dental Practice Leicester & Leicestershire



  • What is Botulinum toxin and how does it work?

    Botulinum toxin is a protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. It relaxes muscles by temporary blocking nerve impulses to the injected muscles. This in turn reduces muscle activity that causes lines, wrinkles and movements. The cosmetic effect of Botulinum toxin was first documented as early as 1989 and was approved in 2002 by the FDA in. It is now regularly used by many, both female and male, as it is less artificial and less intrusive in appearance, than the traditional form of treatment such as plastic surgery.

  • What does the treatment involve?

    Before treatment, Dr Lina Kotecha will establish whether the Botulinum toxin is suitable for you. She will then examine your ability to move certain muscles to determine use, location and size of the muscles that create your gummy smile. Subsequently, treatment goals will be discussed with you and a personalised treatment plan tailored to your needs will be given.

    The treatment involves a few tiny injections of Botulinum toxin that will be administered directly into the muscles that causes the gummy smile. The entire treatment takes approximately 10 minutes. No anaesthesia is required for the treatment; however, Dr Lina Kotecha may choose to numb the area with an anaesthetic cream.

  • What happens after treatment?

    You may have redness and swelling for 1-2 hours after the treatment, however, you can carry on with your day as normal. Although, we do advise you to avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours. Full aftercare instructions will be discussed with you following the treatment.

  • When will it start working and how long does it last?

    It takes two weeks for the Botulinum toxin to be fully effective, but you will notice the first changes after four to five days. The effects last three to four months depending on your response, but repeat treatments may last for longer. It is not immediately reversible but always gradually wears off.

  • Is the procedure painful?

    The treatment consists of a small number of tiny injections, given with a minimum of discomfort, which cause relaxation of the targeted muscles. There may be a small amount of swelling and redness afterwards but this generally settles very quickly.

  • Cautions / contraindications

    You should not have this treatment if:

    • The injection site is infected
    • You are allergic to any of the ingredients
    • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
    • You have a neuromuscular disorder (e.g. myasthenia gravis).

    Full list of side effects, cautions and contraindications will be discussed at face to face consultation.

  • Treatment Price

    From £ 240