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Leicester LE8 9HB
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Cosmetic Dentures

Replacing missing teeth in Leicester

When you come to Glen Dental in Leicester for cosmetic dentures, you can rest assured that it is our priority to create comfortable fitting and natural-looking dentures that you can wear with confidence. We provide superior quality cosmetic dentures that look incredibly realistic and provide a superior fit and comfort level. This is all achieved by working closely with our denture technicians.

Life benefits:

  • A solution to replacing several missing teeth
  • Designed to give you a natural-looking smile
  • Superior quality cosmetic dentures
  • Accurate measurements & impressions ensure an excellent fit
  • Your comfort and confidence are our priority


A 17 page report full of the most useful information, ideal if you’d like to replace missing teeth and want all your questions answered, find out:

  • The costs and lowest price alternatives
  • Your options and choices for treatment
  • Are you suitable for treatment?
  • When are conventional bridges or removable dentures used instead of dental implants
  • What happens if you smoke?
  • How many implants might you need?

A practical solution to replace missing teeth in Leicester

At Glen Dental in Leicester, our Leicester dentists will help you replace lost or missing teeth and restore your health and appearance

If you have lost some, or even all, of your teeth, you may already wear dentures or have been advised that they would be the best solution for you. You may feel anxious about wearing dentures for the first time or have issues with the fit of an existing denture.

If you have missing teeth you might be unhappy with your appearance; you may have difficulty eating and your speech may be affected. It is usually a good idea to fill any gaps; otherwise your other teeth may move or drift to take up some of the space and you could end up with crooked teeth. This, in turn, could affect the way you bite and could damage your other teeth.

If you lose all your teeth and do not replace them with either dentures, bridges or implants, your facial muscles will sag and this can make you look older. Without teeth it is hard to eat and speak properly. Not eating properly may mean that you could become malnourished. A complete or full denture gives support to your cheeks and lips, improves your appearance, and allows you to eat and speak properly.

Dentures consist of replacement teeth attached to pink or gum-coloured plastic bases. The teeth are normally made of acrylic and can be made to match your natural teeth. This is especially important in the case of partial dentures.

Partial dentures may be made of plastic, a chrome cobalt metal framework or a flexible plastic material. They can be attached to neighbouring natural teeth with metal clasps or sometimes with devices called ‘precision attachments’ which are usually less visible.

Other alternatives to dentures include having dental implants or an implant retained denture, provided your jaw bone is healthy and thick enough. If you only have a small gap, as a result of one or possibly two missing teeth, you may be able to fill the gap with a bridge. Your dentist will discuss alternative treatments with you.


  • What is a denture?

    A denture is a custom made appliance which is worn to replace lost or missing teeth to enable you to enjoy a healthy diet and smile with confidence.

    A complete or full denture replaces the natural teeth in either the upper or lower jaws or both and provides support for cheeks and lips.

    A partial denture fills in the spaces created by lost or missing teeth and is attached to your natural teeth with metal clasps or devices called precision attachments.

  • Will it be obvious that I have dentures?

    Dentures can be made to closely match your natural teeth so that your appearance hardly changes. Dentures may improve the look of your smile.

    Denture wearers often prefer to use a denture fixative to give more confidence that the denture is secure.

  • How soon can I have a denture after my teeth are extracted?

    Usually dentures can be fitted immediately after your teeth have been removed so that you never have to go without teeth. However, if only back teeth are involved, your dentist may advise you to wait until your gums have healed as this can sometimes provide a better fit. This may take 2 to 3 months.

    With “immediate” dentures you don’t have to be without teeth while your gums are healing. However bone and gums can shrink over time, especially during the first 6 months, and so after a while your dentures may need relining, adjusting or replacing.

  • What is involved?

    Once you have decided with your dentist that dentures are a suitable solution for you, you will need 4 or 5 appointments:

    1. At the first one your dentist will take impressions of your mouth. The impressions and details of your requirements are then sent to our dental laboratory. The dental technician may recommend taking another impression of each of your jaws during the second appointment using a customised tray to better fit your mouth. The technician will then make a very accurate model for your denture.
    2. The next stage is to establish the relationship between your upper and lower jaw so as to determine the correct positions for individual teeth. This is done using modelling wax. The shape, size and colour of teeth are chosen. The denture is then constructed in wax, adding the teeth required.
    3. At your next “try in” appointment your dentist will check that the wax denture fits comfortably and that the teeth are in the correct position and provide you with a good bite. This denture is sent back to the laboratory where the wax portion is converted into a pink, gum-coloured plastic.
    4. At your final appointment when the dentures are fitted, your dentist will check the fit and bite of the dentures, and adjust as necessary.

    Once you have worn your dentures for a few days or weeks it is normal to need a few appointments for fine adjustments.

  • Should I keep my dentures in all the time?

    For the first few days your Leicester dentist may advise you to wear your dentures for most of the time, including while you are asleep. Once your mouth gets used to them, your dentist will advise that you take them out before going to bed. This allows your gums to rest and helps keep your mouth healthy.

  • How do I take care of my dentures?

    Dentures may break if you drop them! So always clean them over a bowl of water or a folded cloth.

    Make sure you also clean the surface which touches your gums.

    Your Leicester dentist will provide you with detailed advice on caring for your new denture.

  • How long will my dentures last?

    They should last several years. If they become loose or ill-fitting consult your dentist as they may need to be relined or re-made. Otherwise they may become uncomfortable and may cause ulcers or infections.