11 Stretton Court,
Stretton Road, Great Glen,
Leicester LE8 9HB
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Crowns & Bridges

A long lasting solution to restore heavily broken teeth

Crowns, or caps as they are sometimes known, from Glen Dental in Leicester are used to fix chipped teeth, restore teeth weakened by decay or contain a very large filling. They can also be used to mask unsightly issues such as discoloured or stained fillings to provide a more aesthetic smile. Additionally, if you have had root canal treatment you will need a crown to protect or cap the restored tooth, allowing you to eat and bite down on it as if it was a real tooth.

Crowns can be made from a variety of materials including porcelain bonded to metal, porcelain, ceramic, glass or a gold alloy and requires some tooth preparation to be carried out.

They are carefully crafted to look natural and blend in seamlessly with the rest of your teeth and can eliminate dark metallic lines around the gums.

Life benefits

  • Restore your smile and the function of your teeth
  • Strengthens remaining tooth structure
  • Natural-looking restoration
  • Expertly crafted by our laboratory technician/ceramist.
  • Functions like a real tooth, so you can bite and chew as usual


A 17 page report full of the most useful information, ideal if you’d like to replace missing teeth and want all your questions answered, find out:

  • The costs and lowest price alternatives
  • Your options and choices for treatment
  • Are you suitable for treatment?
  • When are conventional bridges or removable dentures used instead of dental implants
  • What happens if you smoke?
  • How many implants might you need?



Our Leicester dentists can offer bridges as a long lasting solution to permanently fit a replacement tooth or teeth by being carefully attached to adjacent teeth either side of the gap. Some preparation of the tooth is required with bridges.

A bridge helps to strengthen the prepared teeth and makes chewing and eating easier because they are fixed and can’t come out.

Normally made of porcelain fused to a metal or ceramic base, they provide a perfect solution to gaps in your smile – helping to improve eating and speaking, restoring facial shape and keeping any existing teeth firmly in place.

Life benefits

  • Long lasting solution to replace a missing tooth/teeth
  • Restores your smile and the function of your teeth
  • Improves function of the mouth in terms of eating and speech
  • Functions like a real tooth, so you can bite and chew as usual
  • Strengthens remaining tooth structure
  • Natural-looking restoration
  • Expertly crafted by our laboratory technician/ceramist.


  • How long do dental crowns last?

    If well maintained and well constructed a dental crown can last for 10 years, even a lifetime. Modern crowns are extremely strong and long lasting and it is usually the underlying truth which requires treatment and therefore replacement of the Crown.

  • How to look after crowns and bridges

    While crowns and bridges can last a lifetime, they do sometimes come loose or fall out. The most important step you can take to ensure the longevity of your crown/bridge is to practice good oral hygiene.

    Keep your gums and teeth healthy by brushing with fluoride toothpaste twice a day and flossing daily. We advice to spit out the excess toothpaste after toothbrushing but not to rinse out with water. Tailor made advice on cleaning around a bridge using a special type of floss called Superfloss or interdental brushes is essential.

    See your Leicester dentist or hygienist regularly for checkups and professional cleanings

    To prevent damage to your new crown or bridge, avoid chewing hard foods, ice or other hard objects. Avoid using your crown or bridge (and natural teeth!) for things such as opening bottle lids, tearing sellotape or cutting cotton thread.

  • What type of metal is used in dental crowns?

    The highest quality crowns generally use the most biocompatible materials, either titanium or alloys containing gold. To keep the cost down sometimes chrome cobalt alloys are used.

  • What are the different types of dental crowns?

    Dental crowns come in a range of different types, usually depended upon the type of material used:

    • Full metal
    • Porcelain fused to metal
    • All porcelain
    • Composite

    Full metal crowns
    These are used Less frequently nowadays due to their cosmetic appearance, typical materials used will be gold (which is one of the most biocompatible materials) or chrome cobalt which is much lower cost than gold.

    Porcelain fused the metal
    In this type of Crown the metal gates over the surface of the prepared to and the porcelain is fused onto this. The part that you see Is only the porcelain and none of the underlying metal should be visible. However, the metal does affect the translucency of the crown as the light cannot pass through the metal and so porcelain fused the metal crowns can sometimes look more opaque than natural teeth.

    All porcelain crowns
    With modern materials such as zirconia porcelain crowns are becoming the norm. They offer the highest translucency and are therefore the most aesthetic as well is being exceptionally strong.

    Composite crowns
    A composite crown can sometimes be lower cost than tt’s zirconia alternative however, composite will wear away much quicker and is more prone to fracture, although if it does fracture it is easier for the dentist to fix in your mouth without having it removed.

  • Does it hurt having a dental crowns fitted?

    No, you will always have a dental injection to ensure that the area affected is completely numb for any treatment. You may however find some post operative sensitivity as the sensations return after the anaesthetic. This sensitivity will usually subside quite quickly and can be controlled in the short time by over-the-counter painkillers.

  • How long does it take to make a dental crown?

    From having your tooth prepared for a dental crown to having the actual crown fitted usually takes around two weeks. If the treatment is complex it may be a little longer or if there is a particular urgency then the treatment time can be shortened slightly.

    The crown will be made by a highly skilled dental technician, the process takes several days to go through meaning the entire process takes approximately 2 weeks.