11 Stretton Court,
Stretton Road, Great Glen,
Leicester LE8 9HB
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A caring approach in Leicester

Tooth extractions is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone. If a tooth has been broken or damaged from decay then your Leicester dentist at Glen Dental will try to repair it with a crown, a filling, or other treatment. However there are cases where there is too much damage, decay or gum disease, in which case you may need to have your tooth extracted.

Life benefits of Extractions & Oral Surgery

  • Safe and sterile procedure.
  • Quick recovery and healing time with reduced infection risk.
  • Sustained good oral health.

Why might I need to have a tooth extracted?

With a strong emphasis on prevention, our Leicester dentists at Glen Dental will usually want to help you to keep your natural teeth but, for one or other of the following reasons, sometimes an extraction may be necessary:

It is always important to get the advice of a dental professional if you are worried about any of your teeth. Never attempt to pull out your own tooth at home as this could cause a more serious problem for you.

Your dentist will usually want to help you to keep your natural teeth but, for one or other of the following reasons, sometimes an extraction may be necessary:

  • A tooth may be damaged or has decayed beyond repair
  • Gum disease may have progressed too far to be able to save teeth
  • You may have extra teeth that prevent the teeth below them from erupting into the mouth
  • If you need braces you may require teeth to be extracted in order to make room for movement
  • Wisdom teeth or third molars may need extracting if they are impacted or don’t have enough room to come through; you may get pain, or infection around the tooth, and your gums may become sore or swollen. (A wisdom tooth is described as “impacted” when it gets stuck against the tooth in front so that it is at an angle.)
  • Rarely, a medical condition or treatment may require infected teeth to be extracted rather than conserved

What does an extraction involve?

  • Before the procedure you may require an x-ray of your teeth.
  • Depending on your particular case and the severity of your problem, you may be given a local anaesthetic and offered sedation if you are anxious.
  • Dentists have the right equipment and sterile environment to extract teeth with the utmost care and your recovery can be surprisingly quick.
  • In the case of wisdom tooth extractions, you may have some swelling after the procedure and discomfort that can be eased with over-the-counter painkillers. In cases of advanced gum disease or periodontitis, antibiotics will be prescribed to reduce the risk of further infection.
  • In some cases, it may be necessary to refer you to an Oral Surgeon based either at a local practice or at a local hospital.


  • What to do following a dental extraction?

    The following steps will help prevent bleeding and relieve soreness


    • Rest for a few hours, but you do not have to lie down
    • Strenuous exercise is best avoided for a few hours
    • Do not vigorously rinse the mouth for at least 24 hours
    • Avoid HOT fluids, alcohol, hard or chewy foods. Choose cool drinks and minced or soft foods
    • Should the wound start to bleed, apply a small compress. This can be made from some cotton wool in a clean handkerchief. Place this on the bleeding point and bite firmly on it for 5-10 minutes, longer if necessary
    • Any pain or soreness can be relieved by taking pain killers advised by your Dentist
    • If prolonged bleeding or pain occurs, contact your Dentist
    • Smoking is best avoided for 24 hours following treatment.
  • What to do the day after a dental extraction


    • It may be beneficial to use an antiseptic rinse or a warm salt water rinse to bathe the wound. This may be carried out after each meal until healing is complete. A salt water rinse is made by dissolving a level teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. The solution should be held in the mouth for two to three minutes to bathe the wound and then discarded
    • Continuing mild pain can be treated by taking pain killers, but not containing any aspirin