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Fat Removal with DesoBody and DesoFace

Remove those stubborn areas of fat permanently

DesoBody and DesoFace are non-surgical, fat dissolving treatments designed to target localised, stubborn pockets of fat in the body that just will not shift with exercise or diet.        Dr Lina Kotecha can provide these non-surgical procedures to help you feel better about yourself with minimal recovery time!

The DesoBody and DesoFace treatments works by injecting Deoxycholic acid (the active ingredient) into the area of the stubborn fat. The Deoxycholate liquefies the fat cell and destroys it permanently. The lipids (contents of the fat cells) are then released and eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system. If used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, the results of this treatment can be long-lasting and permanent.

Using her knowledge of anatomy, Dr. Lina Kotecha will administer this treatment with skill and precision, to deliver the best results possible. As with all treatments carried out at Glen Dental, an initial consultation is required where we will assess your suitability for this treatment and you will have an opportunity to ask any questions and learn about what is involved in this procedure. This treatment is best suited to those who have been unable to lose stubborn areas of fat in the body, despite having a healthy weight, balanced diet and regular exercise. Typical areas include double chin, inner thighs, inner knees, double chins, back and bra rolls, flanks, abdomen and saddlebags.

Benefits of DesoBody and DesoFace

  • Non-surgical fat removing procedure with little downtime
  • Tackles stubborn, localised areas of fat on the face, under the chin, inner thighs, inner knees, double chins, back and bra rolls, flanks, abdomen and saddlebags
  • Improves the ‘double chin appearance’
  • Clinically proven, cost-effective, much safer and painless than alternative to traditional liposuction fat freezing (cryopolisis)

Treatment Overview*

  • Procedure Time:

    30-50 minutes

  • Back To Work:

    24 hours later

  • Anaesthetic:

    No anaesthetic necessary

  • Full Recovery:

    2-3 weeks

  • Sensitivity Period:

    7 days

  • Duration Of Results:


  • Risks & Complications:

    Asymmetry, bruises, infections, swelling

  • Number of treatments

    2-4 treatments

*individual results and reactions may vary


“Your Essential Guide to Facial Aesthetics & Healthy, Vibrant Looking Skin” – Find out:

  • The costs and lowest price alternatives
  • Your options and choices for treatment
  • Are you suitable for treatment?
  • Do treatment results differ?
  • Our bonus content – “5 easy tips to great skin”
  • Plus lots more…


Remove those difficult localised pockets of fat such as under chin area (double chin)

DesoFace is a non-surgical, fat dissolving treatment designed to target localised, stubborn pockets of fat in the neck and face. This treatment is particularly useful for tackling localised fat deposits around the jaw and neck to improve the ‘double chin’ appearance and give you an improved jawline and neck definition. Dr Lina Kotecha can provide these non-surgical procedures to enhance and refresh your skin with minimal recovery time!

The DesoFace treatment works by injecting Deoxycholic acid (the active ingredient) into the area of the stubborn fat. The Deoxycholate liquefies the fat cell and destroys it permanently. The lipids (contents of the fat cells) are then released and eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system. If used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, results of this treatment can be long-lasting and permanent.

Using her knowledge of facial anatomy, Dr. Lina Kotecha will administer this treatment with skill and precision, to deliver the best results possible. As with all treatments carried out at Glen Dental, an initial consultation is required where we will assess your suitability for this treatment and you will have an opportunity to ask any questions and learn about what is involved in this procedure. This treatment is best suited to those who have been unable to lose stubborn areas of fat along the jawline or under the chin, despite having a healthy weight, balanced diet and regular exercise.

Benefits of DesoFace:

  • Non-surgical fat reduction procedure with little downtime
  • Tackles stubborn, localised areas of fat on the face and under the chin
  • Improves the ‘double chin appearance’

Free facial analysis consultations at Glen Dental
We offer a free consultation for aesthetics, so, if you are considering this treatment with Dr. Lina Kotecha and would like to find out more, please call us on 0116 2593386 today to book.


Remove those difficult areas of fat around the tummy, back rolls, thighs, arms, inner knees and even flanks

DesoBody is a non-surgical, fat dissolving treatment designed to target localised, stubborn pockets of fat in the body that just will not shift with exercise or diet. Dr Lina Kotecha can provide these non-surgical procedures to enhance and refresh your skin with minimal recovery time!

The DesoBody treatment works by injecting Deoxycholic acid (the active ingredient) into the area of the stubborn fat. The Deoxycholate liquefies the fat cell and destroys it permanently. The lipids (contents of the fat cells) are then released and eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system. If used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, results of this treatment can be long-lasting and permanent.

Using her knowledge of anatomy, Dr. Lina Kotecha will administer this treatment with skill and precision, to deliver the best results possible. As with all treatments carried out at Glen Dental, an initial consultation is required where we will assess your suitability for this treatment and you will have an opportunity to ask any questions and learn about what is involved in this procedure. This treatment is best suited to those who have been unable to lose stubborn areas of fat in the body, despite having a healthy weight, balanced diet and regular exercise. Typical areas include inner thighs, inner knees, double chins, back and bra rolls, flanks, abdomen and saddlebags.

Benefits of DesoBody:

  • Non-surgical fat reduction procedure with little downtime
  • Tackles stubborn, localised areas of fat on the body
  • Clinically proven, cost effective, much safer and painless than alternative to traditional liposuction fat freezing (cryopolisis)

Free facial analysis consultations at Glen Dental
We offer a free consultation for aesthetics, so, if you are considering this treatment with Dr. Lina Kotecha and would like to find out more, please call us on 0116 2593386 today to book.


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    *A £25 refundable deposit is payable at the time of the booking and fully redeemable towards any subsequent treatment. You will not be entitled to a refund of the deposit if you cancel with less than 48 hours notice or if you fail to attend your appointment.


    • What is DesoFace and DesoBody?

      They are the next generation of injectable deoxycholic acid ‘fat dissolvers’ in the UK. The injections are designed to treat those stubborn localised pockets of fat. The areas that can be treated are:

      • Back and bra rolls
      • Tummy
      • Thighs
      • Arms
      • Inner knees
      • Double chin
      • Flanks (area in-between ribs and hips)

      Deso injections are similar to Aqualyx and Kybella injectable treatments. They all reduce fat deposits using deoxycholic acid. The advantage of Deso injections is that it is separated into a face and body formula resulting in fewer side effects such as less swelling.

      In using DesoFace, drainage of excess fluids takes place as well as a reduction in fat deposits. When using DesoBody, localised fat is reduced and skin firmness is improved.

    • Side Effects & Complications

      Serious risks of DesoBody and DesoFace treatments are extremely small, but these can include redness, pain, irritation, allergic reaction, pigmentation, tissue necrosis (very rare) and temporary nodules. There are special aftercare instructions you would have to adhere to such as avoiding hot baths and showers for a few days after.

    • Procedure

      Dr Lina Kotecha will carry out a thorough consultation and examination of the area of concern. This will include questions about your diet, exercise routine, medical history and the reasons for the treatment.

      An assessment of the area of concern is necessary to confirm that the area is suitable for treatment. This is carried out by pinching the fat layer with calipers. Less than 1cm fat and the procedure carries unnecessary risk. Excess fat and skin are also inappropriate for DesoBody or DesoFace treatments. This assessment will allow the calculation of the amount of product required, the number of sessions, the safest session interval and the final cost of your treatment plan.

      You will then be given some time to think about the treatment proposed before proceeding to the treatment day where you will go through a consent procedure so that you fully understand the risks and the benefits.

      Examples of treatment regimes are given below.

      Treatment AreaNumber of sessionsSession Intervals
      Double chin2-4 sessions4 weeks
      Tummy/abdomen2-4 sessions6 weeks
      Inner thighs4-6 sessions5-6 weeks
      Inner knee2-4 sessions7-8 weeks
      Arms2-4 sessions4 weeks
      Back roll2-4 sessions4 weeks


      The areas to be treated are marked and baseline photography is taken with your permission. The sterile product used is mixed with local anaesthetic and drawn up into a syringe. The skin in the treatment area is cleaned then disinfected and the product is injected with a needle. Multiple injections maybe required per treatment area. The procedure causes minimal pain and lasts around 30-40 minutes, depending on the area(s) treated. You may notice tiny puncture marks and it is common to have localised redness. An compression garment may be recommended, depending on the treated area.

      Prior to departing, a follow-up appointment will be arranged and you receive aftercare instructions and clinic contacts in case of any concerns/emergency.

    • How will I feel after treatment?

      Mild discomfort and redness are common after treatment. There may also be bruising and/or swelling. Occasionally, ‘nodules’ may form, but are temporary and require no treatment.

    • How safe are DesoBody/DesoFace?

      DESO treatments are very safe with proper patient selection. No injectable treatment however is without risk. The absolute risk of serious complications however remains very low: The risk of damage to deep structured such as nerves, vessels and muscles is quoted at <0.01% data-preserve-html-node=”true” in the literature. Necrosis of the skin at 0.0076% risk, with blistering and bruising as important warning signs. Allergic reactions are quoted at <0.002%. data-preserve-html-node=”true” Very rarely, discolouration may occur (<0.002%) data-preserve-html-node=”true” but this is usually temporary and related to bruising. There are rare cases of permanent discolouration.

    • When will I notice results?

      This depends on the area treated and the number of sessions required. Results are noticed approximately 4-6 weeks after your final session.

    • Is the procedure painful?

      There is minimal discomfort when injecting DesoFace or DesoBody. This because there are no nerve endings in the fat layers of the skin.

    • Do I need a follow-up appointment?

      We offer all patients a follow-up appointment 4-6 weeks following treatment. This is to ensure results are satisfactory, there are no concerns and no complications. This interval also allows sufficient time to offer further DESO injections safely, if the treatment plan requires more than 1 session.

  • What is Deoxycholic Acid?

    The deoxycholic acid found in DesoFace and DesoBody is normally a bile acid that emulsifies and solubilises dietary fats in the intestine. However, when injected subcutaneously, it disrupts and destroys fat cells by breaking down the fat cell wall. The best material to remove stubborn pockets of fat.

  • Cautions / contraindications

    DesoBody and DesoFace injections are contraindicated in the following:

    • People who have unhealthy diets and poor lifestyles
    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • Type 1 diabetes
    • Autoimmune disease
    • Acute/untreated hormonal disorders (e.g untreated thyroid disease)
    • Advanced organ disease (e.g. renal/hepatic failure)
    • Allergy to the substance or materials necessary for the procedure
    • Severe autoimmune disease,
    • Immunosuppressive disease
    • Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

    A full list of side effects, cautions and contraindications will be discussed at face to face consultation.

  • Aftercare

    Following DesoBody and DesoFace fat-dissolving injections we would advise that you:

    • If there is pain or discomfort take paracetamol(avoid aspirin).
    • Swelling after treatment is normal and sometimes can take up to 2-3 weeks to reduce.
    • Ice can be applied for 5 mins pre-post treatment.
    • To use compression garment for 2-5 days post-treatment (if recommended by practitioner).
    • Nodules can last up to 1 month. These can be managed.
    • Bruising is normal. To use arnica cream to help.
    • Avoid direct sunlight, sunbeds and heat treatments during treatment period.
    • No hot water on treated area for 5 days-cool shower only.
    • You should also avoid using self-tan for at least a week.
    • Avoid alcohol or strenuous exercise for 48 hrs post-treatment.
    • Contact the practice with any concerns.
  • Do I need to take time off work?

    Not necessarily. If discomfort is minimal and the treated area is not visible (e.g. thighs, abdomen) there is no objection to working.

    When treating the face, there may be visible redness and/or bruising so you may want to take the day off, if this is a problem for you.

  • Are the results permanent?

    The great news is the answer to this question is yes! This is because the fat cells are destroyed permanently. Please remember, that this does not stop your body’s ability to put on weight.

    DESO treatment are not a treatment for obesity, they are a treatment for stubborn, localised pockets of fat and body/facial sculpting.

  • How much does the procedure cost?

    The cost depends on the size of the area being treated. Prices start at £190 for the first session for a small area and then go up to £600 for the first session for a large area. The subsequent sessions are at reduced prices and these will be discussed with you at your consultation.

  • How long does the procedure last?

    The procedure itself is brief, lasting approximately 30-50 minutes depending on the area.